Season One: Women’s HeaLth

Behind every pioneering idea, method, and device is a fellow human or humans. A trailblazer who is daring enough to ask the questions that push the boundaries and make the impossible possible.

Host Sharon Kedar, MBA, CFA, talks with these change agents on the Innovate and Elevate podcast. In each episode, you hear from top doctors, scientists, leaders, and innovators on how they are trailblazing within the world at large and within their own lives.

Season one focuses on women’s health with the aim of helping women lead our healthiest lives. You’ll hear from leading experts such as Dr. Kathryn Rexrode, Division Chief, Women’s Health at Harvard’s Brigham Hospital.

Tune in wherever you listen to podcasts, and please remember to follow Innovate and Elevate on Apple Podcasts or Spotify so you can be the first to know when new episodes are available.


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