ON MY OWN TWO FEET: A Modern Girl's Guide to Personal Finance
(Second Edition)

On My Own Two Feet was originally published in 2007. When it was released, it had three printings in 6 months! It's a keep-it-simple personal finance book - what you need to know about saving, investing, and protecting yourself financially speaking. If we did a 3rd edition, I would make it gender-neutral and update the examples in the book to be more culturally current. The world has evolved and the book would need to evolve as well. I'm proud of the many people this book has helped. I'm amazed that the basic pillars of the advice in the book remain the same over 15 years later.

Get Financially Naked

You may think that marital bliss means money doesn’t matter, but in today’s troubled economic times, that’s simply false hope. This inspiring, action-oriented guide helps women in committed relationships understand and manage their money matters. Complete with charts, graphs, case studies, and tip-based advice, this succinct, straightforward guide speaks to worried women in the same way that made On My Own Two Feet a mega-success.